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16th October 1999: participation in pre round -Grote Prijs van de Bollenstreek- competition.

For the 1999 edition of the regional bands competition Grote Prijs van de Bollenstreek RockWell Ltd. had graduated for participation in one of the pre rounds organised by the local Sassenheims’s Fascinus. On the 16th of October the band than still named as Triple-A took its -maiden voyage- to the stage of Fascinus’s temporary tent and experienced a quite successful stage debut. Although not being selected for the second pre round the jury estimated the first live performance of Triple-A as -obviously done by a very much experienced band of tightly playing real cracks- and in the opinion of the jury each musician of Triple-A -knew exactly what to do-. All in all Triple-A was being estimated as -playing just good music-. Right after this first live success the band was interviewed by the regional TV broadcast company Kanaal 7 which send out this interview session together with excerpts of this debut concert, during the following weeks after.

Next gigs planned early 2002
Since the leaving of Jolanda Boonstra as from March 2000 and of Ad van den Berg as from September 2001 RockWell Ltd. will enter into a new start with a new singer and bass guitarist and will therefor not be back on the road earlier than the beginning of 2002. RockWell Ltd. shall make a come back even more tight and better than before!


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