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Welcome to the Freaky Vox Fraction!

After the leaving of original singer Jolanda Boonstra RockWellLtd. faced the impossible mission of getting to find a local singer who possibly could fit the huge gap. Eventually Cees Bontenbal appeared as being the most outstanding successor one could ever think of. This guy just has got the chops to even blow a full arena off their seats! After participation and legendary performances in acts such as the late Ivy Green and Hot Shot Hit Kid crew, Cees now showcases his unequalled talent with the crazy RockWellLtd. gang. So check out this former rock & roll hot shot on stage with the next coming live gigs in your neighbourhood!

Curriculum Vitae
Musical instrument: Voice
Date of birth: 30 September 1961
First most important musical experience: no recordings
Musical training by or at: attic, practising room and stage.
Main musical influence: Herman Brood, The Doors, The Scene, Bad to the Bone,
Rage against the Machine and many Rock, Blues, Pop and Soul Classics.
References: Ivy Green (guitarist), Hot Shot Hit Kid (singer and guitarist)
Equipment: Shure mikes; Fender Stratocaster

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